Abstract submission: May 31, 2018 [23:59] PST

Submit abstract (closed)

Instructions for abstract submission

  • If you do not yet have an EasyChair account, please sign up for an account before submitting your abstract.
  • Submit your abstract (300 words maximum) through EasyChair. During the abstract submission, it is not necessary to upload paper for review.

Paper submission: July 16, 2018 [23:59] PST 〆

Submit a paper

Instructions for paper submission

  1. Download the following template and use it to prepare your paper for submission. It is recommend that you use LaTeX to create your paper.

    LaTeX template files Word template file

  2. Login to EasyChair with the account used for abstract submission.
  3. Upload your paper in portable document format (.pdf). The size of the file should not exceed 20 Mbytes. The number of pages of each paper should not exceed 8 pages (2-8 pages can be accepted).